How many passwords do you have? I’m guessing, quite a few… you’ve probably got a few different ones as well – one for twitter, one for facebook, another one for your emails, and maybe a few more for all the other apps you got on your tablet or phone.
I’m guessing you probably struggle to remember them all as well?
Well – good news. You may not need to remember them all.
How’s that Bal?
Well.. if you’ve got a fairly modern phone, chances are you probably use your finger or face to unlock it.

It’s all called ‘biometrics’.
It’s going to be the way we ‘unlock’ things in the future.
In fact – it’s happening now!
But what is Biometrics? – Biometrics is the technical term for body measurements and calculations. It refers to metrics related to human characteristics. Biometrics authentication (or realistic authentication) is used in computer science as a form of identification and access control.
Is that the official statement, Bal?
Yes it is! – what is basically means is – when the camera looks at your finger or face, it takes a number of measurements and then saves these and destroys the original image.
These measurements and calculations are used every time you unlock something… Basically, the information (measurements) which are stored, can be accessed later for comparison with “live” information!

So by having these biometric data – you won’t need to remember passwords!
It’s happening more and more – where you can use your finger or face – to be recognized – and to make payments… may be we could use biometric data one day to vote!