
Chief Innovation Officers Summit – London, Nov 2017

Folks, just to let you know – i’ll be a speaker at the up and coming Chief Innovation Officers Summit in London, this week!

There’s some great folks talking – including Google, BBC, Barclays and many more…

So, what will I be sharing…?

Well, as i’m writing my first book, and going through a few iterations (hoping for an Easter 2018) release, I thought… why not take the title of my second book (I know… I need to get the first one out), and base a conversation on that.

The title is – Are you Interrupting or Disrupting?

Now, wish I could share more – but that’s being saved for those who attend the conference. However, I will share some elements of the presentation with the followers of this blog, very soon…

… but it’s all about, how we, over time… trying to disrupt, become interrupters. We’re not really making it easy for our customer, through the various ‘bolt on’s’ but we’re in fact, making it a little more harder.  A little more complex. And therefore, why is it important to… (in the words of my Sensei) – understand, then to be understood.

Bal's Friday Thought

Bal’s Friday Thought…

There’s a few sayings I really like. A few quotes, that really stick in my mind, and I occasionally like to refer to.

One of them, is by the Billionaire, Warren Buffett,

It’s so true, right? – This is one investment you’ll never lose on.

Q & A

Q&A with Arshiya Lal (Fashion Technology Expert)

How much do you know about Fashion? … you probably own some fancy footwear that you strut around in, on a Saturday night.

Combine Fashion and Technology – and you’ve got a whole new world where there’s some crazy things happening!

Wouldn’t it be great to learn more, from someone who has traveled around the world… studied in an Italian fashion house, in fact – traveled throughout Europe extensively, learning and understanding about fashion and technology.

Introducing Arshiya Lal…

Back home in the USA, and from North Carolina – I was able to ask Arshiya some questions about Technology, Fashion and the Future.


Google launch their new phone… Pixel 2

Yesterday, Google had a little event… where they announced a few things.

One of the announcements included the introduction of their new phone. The Google Pixel 2.

Now, whilst I could go through the whole event, share what was said and how it was described… go through all the functionality, etc… you should know by now.. this is a LEAN BLOG! – I like to keep things lean. So below is a video of the 2 hour event condensed into 19 minutes.

I’m going to be honest. I’m not that much into Google hardware – But welcome to my good friend Nathan McKay who is. He is very knowledgeable on all things ‘Google’ & Android.

I asked him, Share your Top 3 concerns about Google… (which he did!)

  1. They come at a bad time – Honestly, they do! Let’s look at it… Apple just recently had their’s, where they were able to ‘wow’ everyone with the lights, glitz and glamour.. oh, and their iPhone X. Then you’ve got Samsung’s event coming up early next year… and you know they’ll be sharing some really exciting features. So what do you do? – Do you go with Apple, where you know what you’re getting. Do you go with Google (by the way, they had supply issues with the first Pixel phone and were unable to meet demand) or do you wait for Samsung… and then make a choice?
  2. Google software on every device – They don’t hold anything back for themselves. They’re happy to release their software and make it available for every device. Samsung have better hardware, and they know they’ll get all the software available on their devices.
  3. They’re a Software Developer (following on from point 2) – The Pixel phone is built by HTC. They’re not a hardware manufacturer. They’re a great software developer. Let’s not even look at phones… look at Google Home. Amazon beat them to it, but introducing the Echo… and Google have been playing catch up since.

Well.. there you have it Ladies & Gentlemen. A very frank update from Mr McKay. Whilst saying the above, he also did mention… there are a few positives, one of which was – you’ll get the updates immediately on a Google Device!

In summary, It’s the Software that pushes the Hardware.


Preview of October 2017…

Firstly, Thank You to everyone who’s been supporting me on this blog journey. Hope you’ve enjoyed what I’ve been writing and sharing on here.

I thought i’d share a little preview into October, there’s some great things lined up… for example, i’ll be sharing a video from a Fashion Tech Expert who’ll be talking about… Fashion… and Technology.

I was thinking, I could write more here… but wouldn’t it be better if you could watch me talk about it – yes, i’ve finally recorded my first video!


Future of Shopping discussed on BBC Radio Nottingham

Recently, Sainsbury’s shared that they are testing an app to enable a checkout-free shopping experience.

Yes, I know what you’re thinking… another app I have to download… well… yes, it is another app you have to download, but this time, this app, you can use to scan your shopping as you walking around the store (similar to those handheld devices you can pick up in store) and then at the end of your shop, you simply go to a dedicated check-out and pay.

But hold on – you said checkout-free…

Yes, I sure did – and similar to the Amazon Go store, they’re also trialing in London, at their Euston branch an app where if you walk in and pick up the £3 ‘On the Go’ meal deal, you can scan the items on your phone, pay on your phone and then leave the store.

Hopes are… that they increase the number of items and stores, where you can have the checkout-less experience.

And this will, soon, become the norm… as I shared on BBC Radio Nottingham yesterday morning.

Feel free to listen via the link below – you can listen to Mark’s whole show, or you can fast forward to about 13:30, to listen to me… (it’s via the BBC and you may have to log in and register if you’ve not already signed up – which takes the best part of 2 minutes).


What car you got?… A Dyson.

That’s right… you’re in a swanky bar in Central London, sipping on your over-priced Gin, and the question comes from your colleague… “So, I hear you have a new car.. What car you got?”…. the reply, “A Dyson”.

It’s going to happen.

The company that found an innovative way to vacuum your house, are.. or should I say, have… been working on an electric vehicle.

They’re aiming to launch them in 2020. And you know what, that’s only around the corner! On top of this, they’re investing over £2bn…

They’re aiming for the top end of the market – It won’t be cheap. On top of this, it’ll be ‘radically different’.

And for it to be a success, it has to be, right?

Let’s be honest, you have every motor company working on and releasing electric vehicles. BMW, Volkswagen, Ford, Toyota, etc…

Then you got the new boys in town, such as Tesla.

And why not open that market up. Gone are the days, where the industry was dominated by Ford and General Motors.

And i’d expect, anything that the brand, ‘ Dyson’ works on.. has to be radically different. They’ve set the bar… for example, the vacuum.. then the hair dryer, and many other items they’ve released, they’ve all been radically different. And with the radical thinking and design, their car is being kept under top secret conditions. Well, you wouldn’t expect anything less.

I’m expecting more and more players (companies) to enter the fierce competition within the electric car market. There will be some top players… (aiming at the top end of the market), There’ll be the mid-market (maybe the existing manufacturers such as Toyota, Ford, Volkswagen) and then the lower end… for which, I’m not sure who’ll be operating in this space.

Because it’s not cheap. To develop an electric car can’t be cheap.

But then, it comes to customer requirements. If you’re going to go to the shops and back, maybe into town and minimum driving, why couldn’t one of those electric disability scooters be adapted for the needs of some people?

You’re probably thinking.. this isn’t going to work.

Why not? – add another seat (make it a 2 seater). Put a roll cage around it. Up the battery. Maybe get a steering wheel, and some different wheel options… and before you know it, you got yourself a 2-seater electric sports vehicle!

It’s all about thinking differently.

Which brings me back to Mr Dyson, and his announcement. Which you can read in full below…


We are Uber Sorry…

Dara Khosrowshahi, the Uber Boss… has come out and apologised.

Taking over, at Uber, for less than under a month, he said.. “On behalf of everyone at Uber globally, I apologise for the mistakes we’ve made.”

I’ve mentioned it before in my blog, and i’ll mention it again… Uber are not perfect.

They know internally they’ve got to made some improvements and they’ve said it in an open letter.

And that’s a great start – a bit like Alcoholics Anonymous (so i’ve heard) that the first step is, admitting something is not right.

From there, you have the support network and people that want you to get better… stop the drinking, go sober, enjoy life and work together.

I just feel though, that isn’t quite happening with Uber.

Yes, you might have heard, Transport for London are stripping them of their license to operate in London. What does this mean for the 3.5 million people who use Uber in London, but more importantly… the 40,000 licensed drivers for Uber?

Well.. i’d hope there’s be some conversations taking place… maybe someone who’s in charge of the TfL and Uber? – but then I read this…

Well, this just gets better and better.

The Mayor of London, and also, the chap responsible for the TfL is not prepared to meet Uber.

There’s me thinking, London was Open… for innovative companies to come and apply their trade. Obviously, they have to follow the laws and rules of the land, naturally. And if there’s something they don’t understand, they ask – and if they’re not doing it correctly or something is not right – they should be informed.

You wouldn’t think, it’d take 5 years… that’s correct. Uber has been operating in London Since 2012.

So is London open for Innovative companies?

Is it open to work together? Share, understand and collaborate?

David Leam, of London First which campaigns for business in the capital, said: “This will be seen as a Luddite decision by millions of Londoners and international visitors who use Uber, and will also hit London’s reputation as a global tech hub.”

That’s right – One minute we’re calling for the world to come and set up shop in London… bring your new technology and open hubs in London.

But then, on the other hand – we’re not really working with these tech companies, are we?

When traditional methods are challenged… is this what happens?

James Farrar, chairman of the Independent Workers’ Union of Great Britain’s United Private Hire Drivers branch, said “To strip Uber of its licence after five years of laissez-faire regulation is a testament to a systemic failure at TfL,”

All I’m hoping for is, there is a resolution and Uber is allowed to operate. Their mistakes are highlighted and they implement a plan of action to fix them.

If they are not compliant to certain rules and regulations, then these are highlighted to them and once again, they put in measures to ensure they are compliant.

Then this type of collaboration, between local governments, councils, transport boards, innovative tech companies, etc… can a) show the world – London is Open, but you got to work within the rules and we’ll help you… and b) don’t be afraid of change… let’s embrace it.

Saying all that… we’ll have self-driving cars soon, right? – wonder what the black cab drivers will say about that! Dare not ask right now 🙂


“Some News is better than No News…”

Yesterday, I had a scheduled flight at 18:15 from Barcelona back home.

I got to the airport in good time. No rushing around… calmly made my way through security, managed to pick up a cup of tea in the waiting area and made my way to the gate when it was announced.

Only thing – the flight was cancelled.

You can imagine the calmness went out of the window and years of doing FMEA’s (Failure Mode Effect Analysis) in my head of these type of situations made me prepared.

So walks out the pilot…

Along the lines of… “Ladies and Gentleman, we have just inspected the plane, and noticed there was something not right – by that I mean there was some damage. I’ve just sent the information to Heathrow – and they’ll get back to me”

Questions from the public were – “how long do we wait? what are the alternatives? how bad is the damage?, etc…

The Pilot’s phone rings – and then he shares some more information..

“Okay.. Heathrow have said it’s not safe to fly with that damage. I do apologise. I know you all want to get home, and we’ll ensure everyone is taken care off – there’s a few folk at the desk that will help you either catch a later flight and or look at other options”

The possibility of staying in the airport begins to dawn on me.

As the pilot is walking away, a number of folk are asking all sorts of questions to him…

“I know it’s not something you wanted to hear. But some news is better than no news”.

Totally agree.

Imagine being stood there for hours, and not knowing what is going on. We were originally informed the flight was delayed.

To a) receive this information – that the plane is damaged and unable to fly – we straight away have a clear reason immediately to why it’s cancelled (and safety first – I want to get home… alive), and b) we have people to help re-arrange flights, and ensure that everyone, at some point, will be on a flight home – therefore we have options. 

I liked the way this was handled by the Pilot – not sure if this is British Airways policy, that the Pilot comes and talks to the passengers or it was this individual that took on the accountability and responsibility to inform passengers.

Either way – Many of the passengers felt slightly better because they knew why it was cancelled and they knew they had options.

And that’s what we needed, to allow us, move quickly through the change curve…

It’s these stages that can sometimes not appear… take too long… or not be handled correctly, that allow us to stay in either Denial or Anger… the quicker we get to exploring options and acceptance, the better.

Things will go wrong… I believe we all know that… and from time to time, something can happen out of our control… but ensuring we have 1. Information and 2. Support – then we can start to look to the future, quicker.



Toys R No More…?

You may have just heard in the news… the toy retailer, known as Toys R Us has just filed for Chapter 11 Bankruptcy protection in the USA and Canada.

The giant… has over $5bn in long term debts.

That is not good.

So they’re going to re-structure their debts and work out how they can move forward with their business.

And that’s my question… how can you move forward?

When I first found this out… I immediately thought of Kodak.

We all know the fate and how it turned out for Kodak (for those who are unaware, they do still operate as I still receive information about my pension… which I won’t be receiving for a long time yet…!)

Let’s be honest – most purchases are made through a handful of on-line retailers. Yes – for particular items you’ll go to specific stores, you may have discount codes, loyalty scheme, etc.. And you’re probably right in guessing who the big players are.. or who the biggest player is… yep… Amazon.

It started with books…. then Electronic items… and now, you can buy virtually everything on-line through Amazon.

But is it all their fault? … I don’t think so. Have they had a part to play… yes, but then there’s other factors to take into account.

Competitors, marketing strategy, etc… there’ll be a number of factors. But let’s be honest. The biggest factor has to be the move from physical store to on-line stores.

We’re all busy. we’re all doing something or other.. and when we realize there’s a birthday, function, Christmas, etc.. we need a toy… we’re more likely to grab our phone and have a look on-line rather than drive down to the local store to have a browse.

Will toy stores completely disappear from the high street? I think yes… eventually, and not too far in the future, items you don’t need to ‘try on for size’, feel, hold, taste, etc… will be purchased more on-line rather then people buying them in store.

To be fair, even the items we need to ‘try on for size’, feel, hold, etc… we are buying more and more on-line…. as the returns process is simple and moreso, we have the information we need to make a more educated assumption that the item we are purchasing is fit for purpose.

So, back to Toys R Us… it’s unfortunate… I hope they are able to re-structure their debts and keep going. Maybe they need to have a re-design… rather then selling toys, open Toy Centres… where you charge $x to bring your children in, play with the toys, then leave… (without the toys) and if they do want to play with the toys at home, then you hand an iPad device to the parents to make the purchase on-line and it’s delivered home by the time they get there…

Glad this is well in advance of Christmas… then again, i’m sure Amazon or other on-line retailers would have them in stock ready for next day delivery… thanks to me being a Prime customer.