Another blog post about Social Media, Bal? – I’m using the tools, I post… I share… and I wait for likes.
Whilst that is great – you should be doing more on Social Media. Just having the tool is one thing – using it effectively is another.

Yes – I know, there’s a lot of tools out there. I know that it can be time consuming and that there’s so much information being generated and shared – however, you have to a) keep consistent and b) have a goal!
There’ll be a reason for you to use social media – to make some noise and let people know about who you are and what you do. You’re probably trying to sell something – and Instagram being soooooooo huge, is the perfect platform for you.
What tools you use – is up to you. Facebook is the biggest in the world. Followed by some of the other popular one such as YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, Whatsapp, etc…

Just posting an update or sharing an image isn’t enough these days. Because everyone is doing that.
It comes down to collaboration.
How many posts and photo’s do you comment – engage – build a conversation on? How many times have you shared some of your knowledge on someone else’s media platform?
It works both ways. The more you actively share and collaborate – the more others will with you! And that’s where the value is.
Your reach will increase – and you’ll gather more followers and customers.
The other point was having a goal. What do you want your audience to know or do? When they land on your page – is it clear what you are about and what the ask is. Is there an ask?!
Having these clear simple steps will take your social media game up a notch and for you to really leverage the power of social media and build on what you’ve started….
Side note – apologies for the lateness of my podcast! – All will be explained when Kat and I get a chance to record the next one… which I’m hoping won’t be too long.