
Let yourself in… make a cup of tea

End of last week… Waitrose announced that they will have an option – where delivery drivers come into your home, unpack your shopping… and then leave.

Now, the thought of someone else in my house… does not fill me with confidence.

But let’s look into this in a bit more detail.

Firstly…. Waitrose (may have.. not sure, can’t confirm) read my blog post about Smart Doors. And that Smart Locks you can buy these days.

So, part of this option/trial/experiment… Waitrose will provide you with a Yale Smart Lock (worth £200!)

The lock itself… needs a code to be inputted… and then you can enter.

The code is sent to the delivery driver at the time he needs to enter… it’s a one time code… and can’t be used again.

Now… that is a little better for me.

Also.. the driver will be wearing a camera. So all footbage from the moment the code is entered, to the moment he leaves… is all captured on camera.

The delivery driver will store everything where it needs to do. Fridge items in the fridge. Freezer items in the freezer…..

Now this is only available in South London. And it’s an experiment.

Personally, I think it’s a great idea…. it’s through these experiments and pilots, that ideas can really grow. The great thing here is the time that’s saved for the customer…. Firstly, they don’t even have to be at home!

Looks like we’re moving closer to the automated smart re-filling home.

Want to try it out?

Sure… go to and apply now!



Throwback Thursday… to my First Car!

Ah… my first car.. my first love… how I miss it.

Bal, what’s your first car got to do with technology, innovation or anything remotely digital?

Not much if I’m honest. It’s just, I do a Throwback Thursday, on every first Thursday of the month – and thought, why not ‘throw back’ to my first car.

So, we often talk about failure. And how we learn from failure…. here’s a story about my first car and failure.

Like any young lad… I wanted to have some really good speakers in my car. So out I went (we didn’t really have internet shopping at the time) and I bought some Kenwood 6×9 speakers. These were to be installed on the rear parcel shelf of my hatchback VW Golf.

I took the speakers out of the box. And there were some instructions. A paper. With the speakers outlined. You were meant to cut out the paper, and use that as a template, to cut out from the parcel shelf and then install the speakers.


Cut the paper. Put it on the actual parcel shelf. Drew around it. Marked it well. Got the jigsaw. Cut out the holes for my 6×9’s. And was super excited.

Took the speakers out of the box. Slowly placed them within the newly cut hole… and guess what… they fell straight through!

What?! – I’d only gone and cut the hole  – the same size as the speaker! – on the paper, was a dotted line… I was meant to cut to the inner hole… so the speaker could rest on the shelf and I could screw it in!

Couple of lessons….

  1. Read the instructions carefully – and then read them again to make sure
  2. If it’s the first time – practice on something else, other than the original parcel shelf (in this case)
  3. Take your time – excitement is good… but control it.
  4. Don’t rush… measure twice, cut once.

Believe you me – I’ve definitely learnt from that experience!

Therefore… it’s okay to fail. As long as you learn from it.

And if you don’t want to hear from me… but an A-list Hollywood star… here you go… Will Smith,


Digital Fitness

As you may have seen from my Insta posts. After a few weeks of traveling, I’m back into a regular routine with the local gym.

Now, whilst I’m used to the hard weights, machines, benches, etc… I came across an innovative machine where you can train.

Take Tonal..

Now, I used to train at cyril’s Gym in Cinderhill, Nottingham when I was growing up…

It was a lovely gym! – The main guy, Cyril, was a man of few words but had everything you needed in the gym for a good workout!

Now… times have moved on – from the gyms with concrete floors, a load of barbels and dumbbells, with lots of free weights.

There’s carpets, nice music, TV on each running machine, etc… and that’s fine. But sometimes, I prefer the old skool gyms…

Anyhow… it looks like all this could be potentially replaced!

As mentioned – Tonal, is a screen, a gym, a personal trainer…. all in one.

Here you go. Digital Fitness – Digital Weights.

Basically, it’s using magnetic force instead of the traditional gravitational force.

You know gravity, right? – Newton… apple…head….. well, we’ve moved on. And it’s all about magnetic forces!!

Is it as good as the traditional? – I can’t comment, but the word on the street is, in a blindfolded test… most couldn’t tell the difference.

Bal… I like my bench and various handles, will this TV screen do that?

Well… it’s not just a TV screen (though that is the main feature… because you’re personal trainer will pop up on it)… but yes.

You can have all the other ‘bits’ to make it a ‘real’ gym.

Now you’re probably thinking… this is great, but how much is it going to cost me.

Yes… as it’s new. As it’s a big screen. As it’s digital. It’s not going to be cheap. In fact, it’s $2,995! – or you could subscription for $200/mo.

Living outside the San Fran area… you might struggle, as the installation is only happining in that area – for the moment.

Matter of time before you see it in your local gym? – I guess so.

In fact… will you need to go to the gym? Is this the 1980’s all over again?…. (obviously not… because it’s Digital!)



One does enjoy a ‘Proper Whiskey’…

We’ve seen Celebs collaborate and introduce new products to the market place.

We had Dr Dre… with the Beats Headphones. Which were a phenomenal success.

Now you have Mr Conor McGregor… introducing you to some ‘Proper Whiskey’.

My nephew text me and told me about it! – He said ‘Check this out… you going to try some?’

You know you have to, right? – similar to the Beats… if Dre… a master of his art, knows a thing or two about sound… must have done a good job on the headphones…. McGregor must have teamed up with some of the best in the world… and I’m sure Conor likes a drink or two… must have have produced a half decent Whiskey!

It’s not always about endorsements. I feel, you got to go one step ahead.

Collaborate with experts and bring out a new product, for the World to enjoy.

Dr Dre and Jimmy Iovine – came together to produce and introduced the world to Beats Headphones.

And you can’t argue how successful they have been. Good or not… that’s a personal opinion… but they sure have made a buck or two for the founders.

So Connor… has done the same.

Along with Bushmill’s former distillery manager, David Elder… they have produced the Proper No. 12 Whiskey.

And straight away… you know it’s going to be big! You know it’s going to be popular… and it’ll sell lots. If you like blended whiskey or not… you’ll be intrigued.

And the marketing has started…. and what timing. You may (or may not know) Mr McGregor has a big fight coming up soon also…. so timing is perfect.

Not only that… his social media following is huge. And what a better way to promote your product..

So there you go…. the future isn’t about Endorsements.

It’s about Collaboration.


Planes, Trains and Automobiles

Last week was crazy! Clocked up several miles… but more importantly, I’m now 20 points away from my British Airways Executive Club – Silver Status!! 

What does that mean Bal?

Not much to be fair! – basically… it means – I’ve spent an obscene amount of money on travelling…. flying… with BA!

Not just flying. I’ve spent a fair amount of time in my car. I don’t mind that…. I’m in my environment… I’m listening to my music… I’m singing along… loudly at times. 

Then there’s the train. Getting my paper orange ticket… 

Okay… when I’m on the London Underground… it’s all contactless…. thankfully to my Oyster card, it’s quick to get around.

Now… all of this got me thinking… which mode of transport is the most ‘digital’ or has ‘innovated’ the most. 

For me…. I think… the airline industry. 

Everything from the mobile tickets/passes…. to the security checks (those scanning machines where you just stand with your legs apart)….

I got off my flight from Sofia, Bulgaria last week. From the moment the plane doors opened – and to me being in my car (I had parked in Heathrow T5 Pod Parking) took me 20mins. That included, getting off the plane, from B terminal to A terminal in T5… then those passport scanning machines… onto the self driving Pod to take me to my car… and into my car!

Secondly… it’s got to be the car industry. We’re hearing a lot about self-driving cars… (which I believe will be soon on our roads). We have the Tesla auto-pilot function in Tesla’s…. now called the ‘Enhanced AutoPilot’.

Fully electric and capable of doing 300+ miles. Then there’s the BMW’s, Mercedes, Audi’s of this world… who have the hybrid models. The Japanese who were the first I believe with the hybrid cars – continue to innovate – remember Toyota investing a huge sum of money into Uber.

Finally… it’s the trains I feel.

Not much has gone into them. Unless I’ve missed it.

I keep hearing that Virgin Trains are doing a lot – with paperless tickets… and they have a Digital/Innovation team working on several items.

Yes – there’s HS2 – a high speed rail link between London and Birmingham. Which will extend to the north, through Nottingham and back to London. When will that be? – a few years for the whole thing yet.

Might have the first flying cars by then 🙂



The Cheaters Edition…

So, I was relaxing at home one evening… and watching a bit of TV (I know.. crazy right, how on Earth I get time to watch a bit of TV is beyond me!) but there I was, watching a bit of TV and an advert came on for Monopoly.. The Cheaters Edition!!

We’ve all been there…. at family get-togethers, Christmas, Events, etc…

… and there’s always one, (or two) who cheat! – So this, in my opinion, is a great idea!!! – The Cheaters Edition!

I’m so going to buy this!

But it really got me thinking – I remember, when I was a kid, there was one version of Monopoly.

Today, there’s a few…

And then.. there’s Digital versions – that’s right, you can download a version onto your phone/tablet. You can play it on the computer – you can play against friends… there’s so many options!

Then… there’s the collaboration with McDonalds!

Shows the diversity of the original game.

And that’s only a great thing.

This is exactly what should be happening. Looking at variation to appeal to new customers, crowds and consumers.

Looking at how to engage with different ages. Looking at how to attract more customers. Looking at how to grow the brand – moving it into digital.

If you own a business or work in a company, how are you ensuring you keep growing and keep attracting customers?

By the way… I wasn’t one of the ‘cheaters’ at the traditional Christmas Monopoly game in the Bansal household… honest. 🙂


Weather Technology…

Who remembers when the weather was simple, and straight to the point? – you know what I mean… Michael Fish on the BBC using those magnetic symbols…

What a throwback! – love the shirt!!

You know where I’m going to go with this… that’s right, why haven’t I got a shirt like that!!

Ok… the magnetic symbols were replaced by TV screens. Why? – because it was easier, quicker and less work for Michael to do.

That’s right – the Screen Technology helped to quickly move around different regions of the country – zoom in and be more specific about weather. Remember the remote control they used to hold – where they’d press the button to move the screen to the next one! – fabulous times….

What technology did… and does today, is improve the process.

The process is – the weather person to share with us what the weather is going to be like. Is it going to rain. Will it be warm. How windy will it be…. etc…  Technology helps the whole process and experience.

With advancements in Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality – combine the two and we now have ‘Mixed Reality’ – there’s so much more you can do.

You can immerse yourself in the weather! – well… we’re getting there.

One weather channel used technology to share what the weather will be like.. but not only what it’d be like, but show what will be happening. In this case, it’s a hurricane. Lots of rain. Lots of wind.

Now we can imagine what it’d be like. But showing it – well, that’s a whole new experience.

Rather than me talking about here… here’s the weather video…

Remember… it’s about the process…. AND the Experience – make it memorable.


Review of Apple’s Event… and the New iPhones

Yesterday… Apple had their Event. Their main conference.

Some brilliant new items were announced, along with the new operating system… iOS12. Did you follow it? – Have you watched it all? – if not… don’t worry, I’ll summarise it here for you.

1. New iWatch

That’s right – there’s a new iWatch.

Packed with many new features – like it detects when you fall over, and has much more going on the watch face – but the one feature that really stands out is that it’s got the ability to carry out an ECG! Detecting low and high heart rates, shows Apple is leading the way with wrist worn health care technology.

2. New iPhone XS

Let’s be honest, the iPhone X has been a major success. It’s features (face recognition and much more) has been well recieved by customers. And now… well, there’s been an upgrade! You can now have the iPhone XS.

In fact, you can have an XS or an XS Max! The Max has a bigger screen… bigger screen than what you’d look at on an iPhone 8 Plus!

We were expecting it… and oh boy, doesn’t it look impressive!!

And it’s packed with some brilliant features…

One of the main features which i’m personally looking forward to is the Dual Sim!- that’s right… the iPhones will be able to accommodate 2 sims!!

3. …and one more thing.

The iPhone XR!

That’s right… a ‘lesser version’ of the X. It’ll be available in several colours… and therefore, here’s the full iPhone line up…

iOS12 will also have some great features…grouping messages and notifications on the home screen…. and much more. So much, I’ll have to test it out, and share it with you in an up and coming blog post.

One thing I did like about the Apple Event, was that they announced it on Twitter… and if you ‘liked’ it… then they notified you when it started. Ensuring no-one missed it. Brilliant marketing. But then… wouldn’t expect anything less. It’s all about having the ability to Think Differently.


WiFi Enabled Door…

Recently I was sent a brilliant video – of a chap who had some issues with his smart, voice enabled, home.

In case you haven’t seen it – here it is…

Now, the funny thing is – we’re heading in that direction.

Most of us have the Amazon Alexa in our homes, or the Google Home. Both of which carry out commands when we talk to them – and if you don’t have either of them, then I think it’s time you looked at investing in one.

More and more items are becoming ‘connected’ and more and more, we’ll be doing by just talking. Because it’s the easiest thing to do.

To tell someone… or in this case, something… to do something… it easy. Why have to lift the arm, raise the finger and exert that pressure to turn the light off switch off.

Yes – we are becoming more lazy – but you can’t blame it all on technology.

The part of the video that is brilliant, is when he’s trying to get into his house. The voice command doesn’t understand him.

So the door must be connected to the WiFi – and voice controlled. I know I’m beginning to analyse this – but the door should have some feature to open it via an app.

Now this has got me thinking – why aren’t our doors and windows wifi-enabled? When can we have the Next Generation of doors?

Why would you want to have a wifi enabled door? – why not just the lock?

Great point – and yes! – there are wifi (& bluetooth) enabled smart locks you can purchase to attach onto your front door. However there are limitations on what type of doors they’ll work on – maybe I’ll share more on my ‘What Tech items to buy for Christmas’ blog.

But you can see where all this is going… not only plugged in devices –  will be connected to your wifi… but doors, windows (anything… you can power via a battery)…. the possibilities are endless.


The Trillion Dollar Company Club

You must have heard, how recently Apple become a ‘trillion dollar’ company.

Yesterday, Amazon did the same. That’s right, they joined the ‘Trillion Dollar Company Club’. Not bad for a 24 year old company.

When they went public in 1997, their share price was $18. Tuesday, the share price hit $2,050. Valuing the company, just over $1 Trillion.

Wonder if Jeff would’ve ever thought, Amazon would be the second company to enter the ‘Trillion Dollar Company Club’ when he sat in his office, with a hand painted sign on the wall… selling books on-line.

It’s a brilliant success story.

Only 2 companies have achieved this phenomenal success. Only 2 companies in that club. But I’m certain, over the next few years, we’ll see more enter the club.

It comes down to a few reasons why Amazon and Apple have achieved such success – Innovation.

The ability to keep adapting.

The ability to keep growing.

The ability to keep thinking, trying and venturing into new areas.

To keep going… Business as Usual (BAU) – won’t get you into the Trillion Dollar Club. In fact, it probably won’t get you into any club.

But that’s the problem – you have to invest. You have to grow. You have to think differently.

So, Jeff… is one of the richest people in the world… but what’s the real secret? A few years ago, Jeff shared…

Customer first – we all know that.

Invent, Innovate… yep, got that.

Be Patient. Ah…. that’s something we don’t have these days. We don’t have the patience to let things grow, to understand and see how they turn out.

To keep trying… it’s easier to say – park it/bin it/stop it… if it isn’t working.

How much patience have you got to keep going? to keep learning, re-adjusting and figuring it out?

We could relate this to football. How managers of teams are sacked very quickly, if there’s a number of losses and the team performs very badly.

I remember when Alex Ferguson (the Manchester United boss) had a string of bad results and had one match to save his position. Funnily enough… he won that match and went on to be one of the most successful managers, in English Football, of all time.

I know this very well… because it was against Nottingham Forest.